Housing of foreigners

State Housing Policy Concept to 2020 is a framework document that sets out the objectives and priorities of the state in the area of housing, defines means of achievement and also characterizes the role of various actors involved in the housing development.

Responsibility for acquiring one´s housing in the Slovak Republic is passed on to the individual citizen. State´s essential role is to create stable market environment allowing the households to procure a dwelling adequate to their income. In terms of state support, foreigners and migrants are included among the disadvantaged groups in the housing market and are eligible applicants for rental dwellings designated for social housing and provided by municipalities (under the Act No. 443/2010 Coll. on subsidies for housing development and on social housing as amended). Furthermore Act. 150/2013 Coll. on the State Housing Development Fund as amended by Act No. 276/2015 Coll. enables third-country nationals to obtain a soft loan for the acquisition of dwelling when requirements stipulated by law are met.

The relevant authority responsible for this field is the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.



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