Personal scope of coordination rules

This Regulation is focused on the citizen, it applies to nationals of a Member State, stateless persons and refugees residing in a Member State and who are or have been subject to the legislation of one or more Member States, as well as to their family members and their survivors, as well as to third-country nationals who are not already covered by these Regulations solely on the ground of their nationality. .

In addition, the Regulation also applies to survivors of persons who have been subject to the legislation of one or more Member States, irrespective of the nationality of such persons, where their survivors are nationals of a Member State or stateless persons or refugees residing in one of the Member States.

The coordination rules specifically regulate the status of other categories of persons:

  • workers from border areas;
  • seasonal workers;
  • posted workers;
  • seafarers;
  • persons employed at diplomatic missions and consular offices;
  • auxiliary staff of the European Communities.
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